Monday, July 30, 2012

Cory's Old World Native Garden

I guess I could call my new blog "Cory's Non-Native Garden", since I'm leaving my four-year old Virginia native wildlife garden behind to follow my husband to his new job in Rome. "Capitolo Italiano" means "Italian Chapter," and that's what this blog is about. During the last four years in Virginia, I've learned so much about native plants and their benefits during this last stay in Our Nation's Capitol, and I hope to continue learning and sharing about the global benefits of native plants even after I get established in Rome this fall. I don't know where I'll be living in Rome yet, but I hope there will at least be a balcony with space for a few container plants.  I expect I'll be visiting gardens around Rome and Italy, and I'll take photos to post here.

So here's the new blog, same as the old blog "Cory's Native Garden" , only this time the setting will be in Rome, Italy. I'll be learning the native flora and fauna, and their critical interactions, but from the Mediterranean perspective.

But first, I'll use this spot as therapy for myself, a place to unload the stress and turmoil of moving a household to another continent (every 2.6 years!). Such is the life of a diplomat's wife.

Oh, and there will be photos and recipes!

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